Loveland Hat Pattern

Loveland Hat Pattern


I’ve always loved the way single knit stitches resemble hearts, and I designed this soft pompom hat named after my hometown of Loveland, OH to highlight them. The winter doldrums can always use a bit of love and cheer!

This is an easy+ level knitting pattern, and the techniques you will need to know are knit, purl, k2tog, and simple stranded knitting as well as knitting on double pointed needles.

Dimensions of finished hat:
Circumference, un-stretched: 18”/45.7cm
Height: 9”/22.9cm

*A link to download the pattern will be sent upon payment completion. This link will expire after 24 hrs. 

All patterns are written in standard US terms.

The pattern and photographs of this garment are the property of Two of Wands. This pattern and design are subject to copyright, and are for personal, non-commercial use only. You may not distribute or sell this pattern or any items created using the directions in this pattern.

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